1 Comment
Update of the cause
Nick Moore
Nick Moore, Teaming Manager, on 20/06/2020  at 20:49h

Hace muchas semanas que no saco el dinero de TEAMIMNG pero ahora estamos mandando mas perros a escocia. La ultima donacion pagara el transport y donacion de un perro MARTIN. 7 años y sin esperanza de adopcion. Tenemos una casa para el en Escocia. Gracias a ti y tu un euro cada mes tiene una nueva vida! GRACIAS

It has been many weeks since I took out the money from TEAMING but now we are sending more dogs again to Scotland. The latest donation will pay for the transport and donation of a dog called MARTIN. He is 7 years and without hope of adoption. We have a house for him in Scotland. Thanks to your one euro each month he has a new life! THANK YOU

Roger HB
Roger HB, Teamer, on 15/08/2020  at 10:07h

Buen trabajo, Nick.

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