Teaming - 1€/month micro donations

Traducció en Beta. Ajuda'ns a millorar

Allemaal Poezen vzw

Teamers: 9

Recaptat: 1 €

Actualització de com va la causa
Nina Vleugels Claessens
Nina Vleugels Claessens, Teaming Manager, el 02/03/2024  a les 08:54h

Upon arrival, all cats are placed in quarantine to acclimatize quietly, under medical supervision. Changing environments and situations can be very stressful for a cat. That is why we try to make the adjustment process as smooth as possible.
We are a small organization, do not receive government grants and we can count on a team of volunteers for our practical operations. However, for material matters we are completely dependent on financial support, donations and sponsorships. The donations will be used to help meet the costs of the many daily needs and, above all, the medical care of our many stayers. We are a no-kill organisation (except in exceptional circumstances where they are suffering or so traumatised or ill that there is nothing veterinary science can do to save them).

Aquest fòrum és únicament pels Teamers i Teaming Managers del Grup.
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