Food for stray dogs of Bihać

Food for stray dogs of Bihać

7  Teamers
€495 raised

We provide food for over 300 dogs living on the landfill Gorjevac near Bihać and monthly food costs often exceed 800€. A small but dedicated team of volunteers, we fight the impossible to solve the problem of stray dogs population in Bihac, Bosnia for years. Medical help, food supply, dog huts and most importantly spay/neuter projects are all part of everyday struggle to make life easier for the hundreds of dogs living on the streets of Bihac.

Project we support

food for stray dogs of Bihać

animal welfare

We try to provide food for over 300 dogs living on the landfill Gorjevac near Bihać and monthly food costs often exceed 800€. A small but dedicated team of volunteers, we fight the impossible to solve the problem of stray dogs population in Bihac, Bosnia for years. All collected donations will be used for the much needed dog food.

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