fabienne meric higgins

fabienne meric higgins


Teamer de 9 Grupos

Contribui mensalmente: 9 € para 9 Grupos/projetos sociais

Desde 14-10-2016 contribuiu 605 €

Grupos de que participa


96 685 € Arrecadados

1 703 Teamers

Teamer desde:  14/10/2016

Suzi Handicap Animal

Suzi Handicap Animal est une association de sauvetages & de soins pour animaux handicapés du plus petit au plus grand quelque soit l'handicap. Notre but est de les aider et de leur offrir une vie digne grâce à des soins, chirurgies & appareillages (chariots , prothèses....). Les aider, c'est leur apporter des soins, à manger, des équipements, vos dons nous permettent de vivre.

39 141 € Arrecadados

497 Teamers

Teamer desde:  14/10/2016

Association Espoir Réunion

Help & Rescue Take care, get adopted, keep safety and repatriation of stray dogs, homeless or hurt dogs of Reunion Island.

7 632 € Arrecadados

92 Teamers

Teamer desde:  14/10/2016

Elephant Haven - European Elephant Sanctuary

EHEES Elephant Haven-European Elephant Sanctuary, a sanctuary for elephants from European zoos and circuses. Many European countries ban wild animals in circuses. Where to place them? It is not always possible to send them back to their country of origin, so we help them by creating a "retirement home". Can you help us provide a retreat for elephants until the end of their lives? It's now possible to foster Gandhi for a whole year! Visit our website.

16 250 € Arrecadados

298 Teamers

Teamer desde:  14/10/2016

Association Remember Me France : Remember and Act

The French association Remember Me France rescues the dogs from Pascani, in Romania, and finds them families forever in France or Belgium? Everyday, there are more than 400 dogs able to be adopted in our shelter... Discover them on our website : http://remembermefrance.forumactif.org/ Each dog has his own subject with pictures, informations about behavior and how to adopt him... You will also be able to read the testimonies of our adoptants (more than 2000 dogs already given for adoption !).

13 451 € Arrecadados

153 Teamers

Teamer desde:  14/10/2016

Une Histoire de Galgos

Une Histoire de Galgos est une Association de Protection Animale loi 1901, en partenariat avec ses refuges de Rota, Malagon, Almendralejo, Guareña, Zaragoza pour le sauvetage des Lévriers espagnols, Podencos, Mastins et Bodegueros. UHDG a pour vocation d'apporter une aide financière et matérielle à ses refuges partenaires et de permettre adoptions et suivis de leurs chiens en France. Plus que tout nos chiens veulent vivre, grandir, oublier.

2 230 € Arrecadados

67 Teamers

Teamer desde:  13/06/2021

Le refuge des poilus de Paterne.

This group was created to help the shelter of Paterne. More than 150 animals have been saved from mistreatment and certain death. The only existing refuge in Africa. Paterne feeds and cares for them without any subsidy. The only help comes from donations and sponsorships. But this is not enough. Every day there are new residents. Let's help him please, let's help so that his protégés can live in the best possible conditions. The "poilus" need your help.

9 987 € Arrecadados

418 Teamers

Teamer desde:  18/09/2022

Les3Dindes - Farm animals also have the right to be rescued

LES 3 DINDES FERME-REFUGE is a non-profit association dedicated to the animal cause. Our shelter welcomes abandoned farm animals, seized for mistreatment. We attach crucial importance to ensuring that all the animals we welcome can find in the refuge a life that is as close as possible to their natural habitats. Thanks to semi-freedom, they will be able to rediscover their instincts, lost by living conditions at the antipodes of their origins.

2 953 € Arrecadados

78 Teamers

Teamer desde:  09/01/2023


Association de protection, sauvetage et refuge pour chevaux. Sauver, accueillir, transporter, protéger, soigner, rééduquer, remettre sur pieds de chevaux menacés de boucherie, maltraités, abandonnés, délaissés... NE CRIN PLUS RIEN compte toujours en moyenne 40 pensionnaires. L'association accueille des chevaux âgés, atteints de pathologies, malvoyants, aveugles...

5 816 € Arrecadados

324 Teamers

Teamer desde:  23/04/2023


The Douages sanctuary is the biggest sanctuary in France for farmed animals. Over 800 animals, saved from slaughterhouses or mistreatments, are now living a peaceful life at the Douages. The sanctuary takes care of sheep, goats, horses, pigs, cows, chickens... and many other animals. We only live through donations. Please help us to keep welcoming and taking care of all these animals who want to live a happy and peaceful life far from slaugherhouses.