Evangelical Focus

Evangelical Focus

17  Teamers
1.784 € gesammelt

At Evangelical Focus we want to be a journalistic voice which gives a biblical perspective on the current issues in Europe. Our team does it writing daily news, reports, interviews and opinion articles. We work to be financially sustainable, having enough budget to pay for costs like web hosting, maintenance, newsletters, designs, office expenses, travels, etc. By joining our “Teaming group” you are supporting a project which aims to connect God’s church in Europe and the society around us!

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Helping sustain our work

Evangelical Focus

Were transferring the latest donations to the administration of Evangelical Focus. Thanks for helping us through these micro donations to be a sustainable platform of information for Europe! We closed 2020 with a +22% increase in readership and new authors. Learn more on EvangelicalFocus.com Greetings, Joel Forster

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Fortschritte der Gruppe

Joel Forster
Joel Forster

28/11/2022 11:55 h

2022 is about to finish - our 7th year of Evangelical Focus. Over 70 journalistic contents were published only this month of November. Over 21,000 since this non-profit journalistic project was born in 2015. Much has been built on the sacrificial effort of the team leading the project. Would you support our work with a symbolic 1€/month?

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Bis heute haben wir gesammelt:
1.784 €
Wir haben bisher bereits gespendet:
1.679 €
Wir werden spenden:
105 €
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