Ernestos Animal Sanctuary Siria

Ernestos Animal Sanctuary Siria

2  Teamers
12 € raccolto

Ernestos is an animal sanctuary and free vets clinic in the Aleppo region of Siria. We are the only sanctuary caring for and treating the forgotten victims of the civil war. We give free medical treatment to civilians bringing their animals to us. Cats, dogs, horses, domestic animals, monkeys and tortoises. We are here for any animal that needs us. We are entirely funded by public donation. We are a non political group and we work just to help the animal victims of the war.

Ultimo commento

Anita Beaumont-Lövenich
Anita Beaumont-Lövenich

02/01/2020 14:49 h

please let people know in our group,that you only have to donate 1 costs at all for the rest <3

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Totale raccolto:
12 €
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Difesa degli animali

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