Emma Pérez-Romera

Emma Pérez-Romera

Cáceres, Spain

Teamer in 2 Groups

Contributes every month: €2 to 2 Groups

Since 14-10-2019 has contributed €66

Groups supported


€8,303 Raised

102 Teamers

Teamer since:  14/10/2019

Dewellie's Home & School for Orphans Liberia

Close to Liberia's capital Monrovia, Martha Dewellie, a 54 years old Liberian teacher, has founded this home for Orphans over 30 years ago. Nowadays 19 babies, children, teenagers and young adults are living together as a family. The Orphanage consists only of a common room, a bedroom for boys, one for girls and latrines. There's no access to electricity or running water and they struggle for food and clothes. Recently a basic school was built, which still misses teaching material, chairs..

€826 Raised

22 Teamers

Teamer since:  21/04/2021

Todos somos su voz ❤️

Hola mundo , somos dos amigas que luchamos en contra del abandono y el maltrato animal. Nos duele ver como en este país se vulneran loa derechos de los animales , sobre todo los de la calla, indefensos a su suerte .... con la ayuda y colaboración de más personas deseamos poder ayudar a muchos , sacarlos de la calle, esterilizar, vacunar, chipar, desparasitar y sobre todo buscarles un hogar para siempre donde reciban amor incondicional . Sabemos que esta lucha no tiene fin, lo intentaremos ❤️