Elisabeth Vega

Elisabeth Vega

Barcelona, Spagna

Teamer in 7 Gruppi

Dona ogni mese: 7 € a 7 Gruppi

Da 09-05-2020 ha contribuito 207 €

Gruppi ai quali partecipo


3.492 € Totale raccolto

48 Teamer

Teamer da:  09/05/2020


Somos una protectora de animales en la cual nos encargamos de recoger cualquier tipo de animal abandonado y/o herido. El objetivo es encontrarles una familia que los cuide y los quiera, pero antes debemos sanarlos y mantenerlos durante la espera de adopción. Por desgracia cada vez hay más abandonos y tenemos mas gastos de los esperados. Necesitamos vuestra ayuda para poder darles todos los cuidados que merecen . Muchas gracias de antemano.

321.797 € Totale raccolto

5.089 Teamer

Teamer da:  22/06/2021

Animal Rescue Spain!

We rescue abandoned and mistreated animals all around Spain. With your support, all of us together can make this possible! Just 1 euro a month can help us a lot to make these animals' dreams come true!

2.737 € Totale raccolto

85 Teamer

Teamer da:  22/06/2021

Rincón Felino

Non profit association in Valdepeñas-Ciudad Real, Spain. We are a married couple that carry out TNR (method), so sterilize feral cats, accept and rehabilite in our home the emergencies in feline colonies, focus on victims of abuse. ^_^HELP US TO HELP THEM.^_^

98.785 € Totale raccolto

1.810 Teamer

Teamer da:  09/12/2021

Santuario Winston de ayuda a caballos

This is a sanctuary to help abused & abandoned horses and other species. Live 64 equines and other animals in the sanctuary. The approximate cost per horse per month is 120 euros if they are in good health; if there are not, the amount can go up to a few hundreds of euros and even thousands. We do not have any public subsidy and we NEED YOU THE FINANCIAL HELP TO CONTINUE HELPING THEM. For those who can make some contribution please do so at: IBAN acc. num. IBAN ES89 2100 1277 8113 0027 3677

12.227 € Totale raccolto

431 Teamer

Teamer da:  07/10/2022

Help Santuario Winston

Hello friends, we have thought that this group can help more and better by being a piggy bank for when we encounter an emergency (for the health of one of our guests, in times of great drought or, on the contrary, great snowfalls as it has been regular ... etc. etc) there are 61 horses, 1 goat, 2 sheep, 9 chickens, 4 cats and 4 dogs that inhabit the Sanctuary and as you can imagine, there are always too many expenses.

14.959 € Totale raccolto

523 Teamer

Teamer da:  04/06/2024


In 2019 we created the shelter. Our dream continues with enthusiasm and a desire to work. Fighting against abandonment and mistreatment, promoting respect, empathy and affection towards animals. Food and CER (Capture-Sterilize-Return) control in cat colonies. Rescuing sick or endangered cats, providing veterinary care and shelter, and spreading the word to find them a home. We denounce abuse and abandonment. We cannot change the world, but changing the life of a single animal is worth the effort

25.299 € Totale raccolto

1.022 Teamer

Teamer da:  23/01/2025

Espai de Gats

Espai de Gats is a cat adoption centre in Barcelona where we work to find homes for adult cats, who unfortunately are more invisible in shelters and refuges. Every month, we need €3,500 for dry and wet food, litter, veterinarians, medicines, rent for the premises... This non-profit project is sustainable thanks to people like you, who love animals. With your contribution, you help us to continue finding homes for more adult cats.