Donkey Dreamland

Donkey Dreamland

45  Teamers
1.590 € raccolto

Donkey Dreamland provides a home for donkeys free from pain and suffering, surrounded by people who offer love and respect in a calm and tranquil setting. Throughout history donkeys have served us well, worked hard and have, at times, been abused. Donkey Dreamland aims to restore their dignity, whilst providing support and understanding of their plight through education and interaction.

Progetto che sosteniamo

Financial Security For the Sanctuary

Donkey Dreamland

Donkey Dreamland is currently home to 20 donkeys although the number can go up or down on any day. The aim is to rehome most donkeys to enable more animals to be rescued, brought back to health, and rehabilitated. On arrival, all donkeys are assessed for health issues including skin, hair, hooves, weight and psychological wellbeing. This is especially important as many donkeys have a mistrust of humans due to abandonment and mental or physical abuse. Rescue, Rehab, Recuperate and Rehome.

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Amaya Isert
Amaya Isert
Teaming Manager

20/07/2021 07:50 h

Since we came across this Teaming concept our fanstatic volunteers and their friends have been sharing the message. Thank you so much to you all. Soon we will have sufficient Team members to start sharing within our own Social Media groups and hopefully we can attract up to 5,000 Team members and give the sanctuary financial security, allowing us to focus all of our energies on the donkeys. Thank you.

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Amaya Isert
Amaya Isert
Teaming Manager

14/07/2021 18:51 h

When Luz was born just over 3 months ago, it was touch and go whether he would survive. Although he wasn't acually premature, he was underdeveloped due to the fact that he had been sharing the womb with a twin brother who was unfortuantely born dead (twins are extremely rare for donkeys and when it does happen, it is even rarer for them to survive. However, Luz is now fully developed and both he and is Mum are enjoying their time at the sanctuary. Thanks to everyone who supports us.

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Cifra raccolta

Totale raccolto:
1.590 €
Fino ad ora abbiamo donato:
1.023 €
Cifra raccolta per il progetto
567 €
Elenco dei contributi


Data di pubblicazione

Difesa degli animali


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