Team Django

Team Django

4  Teamers
680 € recaudados

Meet little man Django, he needs your help. He was left at the shelter some time ago and we all thought he was blind and a lost case, but recently he was brought to the veterniary and turns out there is still hope for him! He is suffering from Chronic Dry Eye Syndrome (keratoconjunctivitis sicca) and Leishmania. He needs constant medication not to go blind that we do not have the funds to provide. Please join our team and help us save Django’s eye sight!

Destinamos la recaudación a:

Djangos Journey

The Paw Portal Team Django

Finally we are able to buy the medication Django so desperately needs to be able to keep his eye sight. Since we started his journey with him his has developed so much, you can really see he is a completely different dog and he thrives from all the love and attention he gets.

Publicado el


Elin Raees
Teaming Manager

06/09/2019 09:26 h

Bill paied thanks to all of you <3

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Hemos recaudado hasta hoy:
680 €
Ya hemos donado:
606 €
Vamos a donar:
74 €
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