Delyth Davies

Delyth Davies


Teamer in 10 Gruppen

Spendet jeden Monat: 10 € für 10 Gruppen

Seit 20-07-2015 gespendet: 776 €

Mitglied in folgenden Gruppen


411.399 € Gespendet

4.909 Teamer

Teamer seit:  22/07/2015

Asociación Protectora Galgos del Sur

The Galgos del Sur Association is a non-profit organization located in Córdoba. We fight against the abandonment and massive sacrifice of greyhounds and hunting dogs, to raise awareness and awareness in society about this problem and give a new life looking for good families. In this group you collaborate with the expenses we have every day: veterinarians, rent, cleaning, food, etc. Keep in mind that Galgos del Sur does not receive aid or subsidies, we only have you to go on.

4.916 € Gespendet

29 Teamer

Teamer seit:  22/07/2015


Queremos que todos los animalillos que ahora viven en nuestro Albergue encuentren familia. Necesitamos también tu ayuda para seguir manteniéndoles ¿Nos ayudas?

37.858 € Gespendet

457 Teamer

Teamer seit:  22/07/2015

Animales con un nuevo rumbo

ACUNR (Animales con un nuevo rumbo) es una asociación sin ánimo de lucro que nace con el objetivo de ayudar a aquellos animales que se encuentran desamparados. Somos una asociación joven pero con muchas ganas de crecer y de salvar la mayoría de vidas posibles. ACUNR (ANIMALES CON UN NUEVO RUMBO) está inscrita como entidad colaboradora en la Comunidad de Madrid con el nº C-056-CM

28.448 € Gespendet

572 Teamer

Teamer seit:  12/08/2015

Galgos de la Mancha

En plena zona de La Mancha, dónde de los que no nos acordamos no tienen ni nombre, nace la asociación Galgos de La Mancha. En una zona dónde hay nulas adopciones, y un masivo abandono, precisamos de vuestra ayuda continua para salir adelante. Rescatamos, acogemos, rehabilitamos y buscamos hogar a los que sufren las consecuencias del abandono derivado de la caza. ¡Ayúdanos desde 1€ al mes!

81.951 € Gespendet

940 Teamer

Teamer seit:  01/11/2015

E.R.A. Equipo de Rescate Animal

Somos una asociación sin ánimo de lucro formada por activistas que ayudamos voluntariamente a rescatar animales abandonados o perdidos que no se dejan coger a mano. Debido al gran número de animales en situación de desamparo para los que nos solicitan ayuda, necesitamos apoyo económico para poder realizar los rescates con el equipo adecuado. Tu aportación de sólo 1€ hará posible que muchos sean salvados de una vida miserable y una muerte segura. Gracias!!

582 € Gespendet

7 Teamer

Teamer seit:  31/08/2017

The Misfits Retreat

The Misfits Retreat is in N West France and is home for rescued and abandonned dogs,cats, horses and goats to live out their lives in security---many are old , handicapped or on medication.This group teaming is to help cover vet costs and monthly medicines etc.

2.637 € Gespendet

22 Teamer

Teamer seit:  04/08/2018

Bull Breeds Without Borders

Bull Breeds Without Borders is a rescue group focused on finding loving homes for abandoned, abused and neglected dogs from the various bull breeds. Our dogs come mostly from Spain where, sadly, there are too many bullies in need of help. We rehome dogs to the UK, Netherlands, France, Finland, Switzerland, Austria, Norway, Denmark and any country allowing the breed! We rely on the donations of funds, time and love from the public and from our amazing volunteers. Thank you for helping!

2.781 € Gespendet

50 Teamer

Teamer seit:  27/03/2021

Rusmira’s Rescue

Rusmira is an animal rescuer in Bosnia, where cats and dogs are frequently cruelly treated and abandoned. She rescues abandoned puppies and kittens from the streets and keeps them safe in pension until they can be adopted across Europe. Rusmira currently looks after over 100 dogs and 120 cats. It costs her over 700 Euros a month just for food and kitty litter. Please help. Your euro will save a life. Thank you.

581 € Gespendet

23 Teamer

Teamer seit:  20/08/2021

Desperate Dogs of Azerbaijan

We are a rescue based in Baku, Azerbaijan. We save the tortured, shot, and abandoned animals who else would be killed by the dog killing Center called « TOPLAN ». We as many other rescues desperately need any help to continue saving those who need us the most. Please, check our group on Facebook to find out more about us

1.865 € Gespendet

28 Teamer

Teamer seit:  26/10/2021

Saving the Street Dogs

I want to help “Saving the Street Dogs”, a group created to help the street dogs in Romania and Bosnia, and to rescue those that are in public shelters. Marin-Natasa Ivanovic cares for a constant number of dogs that she has rescued, that need continued food and veterinary care. With the support of other volunteers Marin prepares the rescued dogs for foster and rehoming in various countries. The group relies donations and I hope this Teaming group will ensure a regular income can be generated.