Daniela Gimeno Pisano

Daniela Gimeno Pisano

Madrid, Spain

Teamer in 2 Groups

Contributes every month: €2 to 2 Groups

Since 11-11-2020 has contributed €90

Groups supported


€31,018 Raised

350 Teamers

Teamer since:  11/11/2020


NUEVAVIDA (New Life) is a non-profit organization that was born from the illusion of a group of people to help the furry ones. Today we have grown thanks to you. That is why we ask you to join our Teaming, because they deserve it. We leave you the link to our website so that you can get to know us a little better: https://nuevavida-adopciones.org/ WE CANNOT CHANGE THE WORLD, BUT WE CAN CHANGE ITS FUTURE. JOIN THIS "NUEVAVIDA" TEAMING GROUP!

€74,106 Raised

909 Teamers

Teamer since:  25/01/2021


Life4pitbulls es una asociación sin ánimo de lucro dedicada al rescate de perros abandonados, maltratados o en riesgo de sacrificio. Principalmente nos centramos en razas PPP (Perros Potencialmente Peligrosos), aunque si llega a nosotros un caso de cualquier otra raza que precisa de nuestra ayuda... no dudamos en colaborar.