Cristina Mauna


Teamer de 10 Grupos

Cada mes aporta: 10 € a 10 Grupos

Desde el 08-02-2020 ha aportado 285 €

Grupos en los que participa


4.101 € Recaudados

83 Teamers

Teamer desde:  08/02/2020


Our daily work is meant to improve the lives of the stray animals around us. For this we work on many sides, but our main objective is SPAY. We aim to build a center/clinic that will ensure the resources for ample spaying campaigns and patient admission, which will allow us to provide post-op care to our patients, and most importantly, allow us to continue our spaying campaigns even in the coldest months of the year.

1.711 € Recaudados

39 Teamers

Teamer desde:  19/08/2020

Ham Piatra Neamt (Asociatia Youth For Neamt ONG)

El número de animales que viven en la calle es un problema grave. A estas almas se les niega la oportunidad de tener una familia y una vida digna, ya que se les abandona en las calles o incluso se les mata de formas horribles. Lo que ofrecemos concretamente a través de este proyecto - Consulta veterinaria - Tratamientos - Esterilización - Búsqueda de una familia - Actividades de información y sensibilización

5.912 € Recaudados

99 Teamers

Teamer desde:  18/02/2021

Dogs on Hills Romania

Suntem o echipă mică cu vise mari, facem reabilitare comportamentală canină și credem cu tărie că nici cei mai speriați câini nu sunt irecuperabili. Credem în adopții responsabile, și toată energia, toată munca și tot sufletul nostru sunt îndreptate către câinii aceia care sunt așa de îngroziți de om, că nici nu se ridică de jos.

3.963 € Recaudados

65 Teamers

Teamer desde:  18/02/2021

Bear Again - Orphan Bear Rehabilitation Center

Since 2004 our project has rehabilitated and released into the wild over 150 orphan brown bear cubs in need from all over Europe. It's the only project of its kind on the continent. If not for our project, these cubs would face a lifetime of captivity in zoos, sanctuaries, or even worse, they would be euthanized. Your donation helps us recover more cubs in need, provide them with food, medical assistance, tracking equipment after release, and cover expenses of transport and other necessities

1.972 € Recaudados

24 Teamers

Teamer desde:  18/02/2021

Association Galaad, partenariat pour la Fondation Sky

La Fondation Sky, basée à Iasi, se bat sur plusieurs fronts depuis plus de 15 ans. Outre le refuge où plus de 180 chiens, chats et chevaux se côtoient en liberté, elle envoie chaque matin la Clinique mobile dans les villages les plus pauvres afin de soigner gratuitement les animaux, qui ne sont d'ailleurs pas considérés comme tel. En plus de nourrir, vacciner, vermifuger, stériliser, sauver et abriter toutes ces âmes, Marianna doit faire face à l'indifférence voir la cruauté de la législation.

1.785 € Recaudados

85 Teamers

Teamer desde:  03/10/2022


Afin de réduire les nombreuses mises en fourrière des chiens errants sur Focsani/Golesti, et Bacau et éviter des souffrances inutiles, il faut prendre le problème à la racine. C'est ce que l'association LOULOUS SAUVES IN EXTREMIS propose par ce teaming : participer activement à la réduction de la misère animale en apportant son appui aux campagnes de stérilisations organisées localement par les vétérinaires ou des associations Chaque euro donné sur ce groupe y sera affecté.

2.604 € Recaudados

117 Teamers

Teamer desde:  04/10/2022

Helping animals in need in Romania and Ukraine

ROLDA is a small charity supported internationally that helps abused, neglected, abandoned dogs in one of the poorest regions in Romania. ROLDA built and runs two private shelters which are a home for approx 700 dogs and a donkey. We are in process to finish a sanctuary for disabled and senior cats. ROLDA also runs social programs for underprivileged dog owners. Since the war started in Ukraine, we are active supporting a dozen of local rescuers busy to save animals from battle zones.

16.250 € Recaudados

297 Teamers

Teamer desde:  13/02/2023

Association Remember Me France : Remember and Act

The French association Remember Me France rescues the dogs from Pascani, in Romania, and finds them families forever in France or Belgium? Everyday, there are more than 400 dogs able to be adopted in our shelter... Discover them on our website : Each dog has his own subject with pictures, informations about behavior and how to adopt him... You will also be able to read the testimonies of our adoptants (more than 2000 dogs already given for adoption !).

10.399 € Recaudados

383 Teamers

Teamer desde:  19/06/2023

Asociatia Paws United / Margaret Shelter

This Team supports the rescuer Marinela Tudor and her NGO "Asociatia Paws United" and her shelter "Margaret Shelter". She is rescuing dogs from Romania's Killing Shelters, from the street or other abandoned animals in need.

15.797 € Recaudados

359 Teamers

Teamer desde:  28/06/2023

SOS ARMS Saving Orphaned Souls Sheila's Animal Rescue Mission Romania

S.O.S. A.R.M.S. - Saving Orphaned Souls Animal rescue mission Sheila ngo based in Brasov Romania . ❣️ALL LIFES MATTER ❣️ Your monthly contribution will be so helpfull for paying rent,utilities, workers, emergencies ( dogs hit by cars, cruelty cases,abused dogs from killing shelters) , spaying projects to decrease the number of strays , to prevent unwanted puppies and victims of cruelty ) , keep full tummies. Thank you for caring ❣️