Corinne delbarre

Corinne delbarre


Teamer de 9 Grups

Cada mes aporta 9 € a 9 Grups

Des del 25-04-2021 ha aportat 326 €

Grups on participa


11.268 € Recaptats

231 Teamers

Teamer des de:  20/12/2021

Agir pour les chiens de l'île Maurice

Mauritius is a beautiful tropical island near Madagascar, popular amongst tourists. Unfortunately it has a darker side: It has about 250,000 stray dogs and the government catches and kills them in barbaric manner. We are a small NGO based in France, and in partnership with the NGO "All Life Matters Animal Sanctuary" on the island, we bring the most fragile dogs to Europe. Your funding will help us face recurring costs such as vet fees, food, and sterilization days on the island. Thank you

904 € Recaptats

28 Teamers

Teamer des de:  23/12/2021

Les chats d'ibtissam à Casablanca

Ibtissam Merras takes care of 60 cats who are currently housed in an apartment. All come from the street, we have to provide for all their needs. Added to this are the stray street cats with veterinary care and sterilizations. Thank you for your support for aid ibtissam. Paypal: Facebook page link:

3.224 € Recaptats

77 Teamers

Teamer des de:  23/12/2021

Luna Rêve

Luna est une adorable chienne qui est restée 4 ans dans un refuge espagnol avant qu'une famille française ne lui donne sa chance. Depuis Luna rêve que tous les sans voix, les abandonnés, les martyrisés connaissent le même bonheur qu'elle. Qu'ils soient de France, d'Espagne, Maroc, Roumanie, ou ailleurs, ils sont innocents et ne méritent pas d'être battus, tués, affamés. Un euro c'est rien si on est seul mais 10, 20, 50, 100 fois, 1 euro ça fera la difference.

4.152 € Recaptats

180 Teamers

Teamer des de:  19/01/2022

Golesti Focsani Bacau stray dogs - Association Dogs rescued at last minute

Our association Loulous Sauvés in Extremis (LSIE) rescues dogs on kill list or in great danger in Romanian public shelters and also offer safe sheltering to stray dogs, injured dogs, puppies abandonned with or without mothers. Every month, dogs are put in sanitary order to join families in France or Belgium Your Euro is the first link of this solidarity chain. You can also donate on our page for specific actions (fb : @louloussauves). YOUR EURO CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Thank you for your support

9.360 € Recaptats

226 Teamers

Teamer des de:  09/05/2022

Help for Ukrainian animals

We support 2 projects , in the cities of Chuguev, Kherson . It is important for us to carry out active animal protection in our own country, our priorities are neutering whether of roads – animals as well as of animals of private persons. Raising awareness to give the animals a voice. We build quarantine & infirmary, animal welfare is just as important to us as humanitarian aid, because this is the only way it can work, “NOT ONE, BUT TONE”

16.213 € Recaptats

284 Teamers

Teamer des de:  18/10/2022

Copa Guadeloupe et Dépendances

Copa Guadeloupe et Dépendances est une association qui lutte contre la maltraitance animale. La prolifération des chiens errants en Guadeloupe est la conséquence de l'abandon de chiots et de chiens adultes par des particuliers. La situation n'est pas meilleure pour les chats. L'association essaye de stériliser un maximum de chiennes qui ont un propriétaire et de chattes.

4.197 € Recaptats

406 Teamers

Teamer des de:  12/06/2023

SANA 8800 Michael Chour

Soutenons Michael Chour, qui dédie sa vie pour les sauvetages des chiens du commerce de viande de chiens au Cambodge et des chiens errants et blessés des rues de Thaïlande. This group is to help Michael Chour, dedicated to rescuing dogs from the dog meat trade in Cambodia and stray and injured dogs from the streets of Thailand.

4.906 € Recaptats

140 Teamers

Teamer des de:  18/09/2023

Soutien pour le Refuge des 4Pattes au Maroc

Because being a stray dog is being a dead dog!! We get them out of the streets, we treat them, we neuter and we vaccinate them. We shelter them, we feed them, we socialize them!! They need us while they're waiting for a FOREVER FAMILY!! For now, we are their ONLY FAMILY they've got! 200 dogs in shelter!! PLEASE DONATE!! ONE TEAMER can feed 2 dogs one day!! HUNDRED TEAMERS can feed 200 dogs one day!!

2.604 € Recaptats

117 Teamers

Teamer des de:  09/02/2024

Helping animals in need in Romania and Ukraine

ROLDA is a small charity supported internationally that helps abused, neglected, abandoned dogs in one of the poorest regions in Romania. ROLDA built and runs two private shelters which are a home for approx 700 dogs and a donkey. We are in process to finish a sanctuary for disabled and senior cats. ROLDA also runs social programs for underprivileged dog owners. Since the war started in Ukraine, we are active supporting a dozen of local rescuers busy to save animals from battle zones.