
Teamer in 3 Gruppi

Dona ogni mese: 3 € a 3 Gruppi

Da 26-03-2018 ha contribuito 66 €

Gruppi ai quali partecipo


2.434 € Totale raccolto

48 Teamer

Teamer da:  26/03/2018

SPA du Centre

S.P.A. du Centre Notre association est LOCALE et AUTONOME. Association locale et autonome de protection animale. Reconnue d’utilité publique depuis 1934. Label de Confédération Nationale des SPA de France

3.238 € Totale raccolto

181 Teamer

Teamer da:  10/06/2022

WOLFY & FRIENDS ANIMAL RESCUE - Mejdouline & Marwan Fares' shelter, Morocco

Initially created by Mejdouline Fares to help her rescue animals in distress from the streets of Morocco, the group is now dedicated to providing for them until they find a family. Indeed, Mejdouline died accidentally in May 2023, leaving around a hundred dogs orphaned. In memory of his sister, Marwan couldn't abandon them and took over the shelter, alone, determined to keep Mejdouline's dream alive and protect those she called "her babies".

1.349 € Totale raccolto

61 Teamer

Teamer da:  11/09/2023


Association de protection animale de toutes espèces afin de les sauver d'abandon et abattoir...