Corina’s Rescue

Corina’s Rescue

2  Teamers

We are a small group of volunteers in Belgium who help a rescuer for stray dogs and cats in Brasov (Romania) who live in terrible conditions: they are run over or chained up, maltreated, starved and hurt. Corina’s Rescue saves these animals. She catches the dogs and cats that are incapable of surviving on their own, gives them food and the medical care they need and try to find them a good home. The small guest house has no subsidies of any kind and is completely dependent on donations for help.

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Corina’s Rescue for abandoned and abused cats and dogs.

Corina’s Rescue

Corina’s Rescue is a non-profit small Rescue located in Brasov and helps abandoned, mistreated and injured cats and dogs and take care of them. She gives them food, a shelter and a roof above their head. She also catches the cats and dogs for castration. Every animal needs food, some need medication and medical care and also urgent operations are required several times. For the healthy animals she tries to find good homes. This all costs a lot of money and keep in mind that Corina’s Rescue does not receive any financial support or aid and she is completely dependent on donations to help the animals. She only has to go on. With your support, all of us together can make this possible! Just 1 Euro a month can help us a lot to make these animals dreams come true.

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Anja Maes
Anja Maes

21/08/2023 16:21 h

For the moment we need help to be able to buy a large supply of food to fill all tummies from the kittens, the adult and the senior cats and also for the puppies and adult dogs. Please become a teamer to help Corina’s Rescue.

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Anja Maes
Anja Maes

23/08/2023 21:46 h

We need to buy a new supply of food for the cats and dogs because we almost run out of food.

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Bis heute haben wir gesammelt:
6 €
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