Claudia Perez Canals

Claudia Perez Canals

Lleida, Espanya

Teamer de 4 Grups

Cada mes aporta 4 € a 4 Grups

Des del 23-11-2019 ha aportat 92 €

Grups on participa


644.430 € Recaptats

6.944 Teamers

Teamer des de:  26/06/2021

Fundación Santuario Gaia

Gaia Sanctuary Foundation is a vegan rescue and recovery center for animals considered as farm, where those who have been exploited, mistreated or abandoned, receive the necessary care to have a decent life for the rest of their lives.   Located in Camprodon (Girona) in the Pyrenees, surrounded by forests, rivers and mountains.   You could meet the inhabitants of the Sanctuary here:

712 € Recaptats

23 Teamers

Teamer des de:  01/03/2023

Cats & Dogs Alt Urgell

Non-profit animal association We manage cat colonies. Making a small shelter with huts where cats can shelter in winter and rainy days. We deworm and treat sick cats. We are looking for adopters. We try to "tame" the furry ones so that they find a family. We implement the CES method in each colony. We do everything voluntarily with an agreement with a veterinarian. La Seu d'Urgell ACE Clinic.

34.990 € Recaptats

504 Teamers

Teamer des de:  06/09/2023


SOS PPP ESPAÑA ES UNA PLATAFORMA SIN ANIMO DE LUCRO Rescatamos perros en malas situaciones, abandonados, en perreras, no deseados o a las puertas de sacrificio, educamos perros con problemas de conducta, recaudamos fondos para atención sanitaria de perros en riesgo y tramitamos adopción para poder cambiar sus vidas y darles una nueva oportunidad.

14.214 € Recaptats

226 Teamers

Teamer des de:  06/09/2023

El tràfic d'éssers humans: SICAR cat

SICAR cat programme provides comprehensive care to women who are victims of human trafficking for their recovery and the restoration of their rights. It also organizes awareness and denounce actions in order to contribute to social change.