Claudia Fehringer

Claudia Fehringer


Teamer de 1 Grups

Cada mes aporta 1 € a 1 Grups

Des del 31-07-2019 ha aportat 59 €

Grups on participa


2.361 € Recaptats

37 Teamers

Teamer des de:  31/07/2019

New Life 4 Spanish Animals e.V.

We are a small group who rescue animals in southern Spain, Murcia. As a few people rescue abandoned and needy animals and take care of them locally, in Germany we collect money and home those animals. The basics of our organization are conscientiousness, good medical care and transparency. This includes castrations as well as medical checks and tests for our animals. Taking care of mistreated animals until they are able to be rehomed costs such a lot. Each euro counts!