Cat Protection Pollensa

Cat Protection Pollensa

1  Teamers
166 € gesammelt

Cat Protection Pollensa is comprised of a small team of dedicated volunteers who are striving to help and support the local cat colonies and control the overall population growth of Pollensa's street cats using a Trap, Neuter, Return programme. We rely solely on donations to support the cats of Pollensa and fund our work. Thank you for your support.

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Cat Protection Pollensa - TNR, help and support for cats and kittens in Pollensa, Mallorca

Cat Protection Pollensa

Here in Puerto Pollensa our aim is to provide a continual TNR programme and manage local colonies so we can endeavour to control the cat population in and around Puerto Pollensa and Pollensa. Our work is funded solely by donations. We receive no government support although this over population of cats affects the whole community, and also the whole island of Mallorca. We also help injured and sick cats and kittens, and where possible we foster and rehome kittens if they are endangered or need help. All our work is supported by volunteers and donations. We thank all our supporters for their continued help and support.

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Katie Mazzieri
Katie Mazzieri

21/01/2019 22:41 h

Welcome to Cat Protection Pollensa's Teaming page.
We are in desperate need of building up our Teaming community to help fund our work in Pollensa, Mallorca.
All donations will go directly to the care of the cats which will include food and vets bills.
Please help us build up our Teaming community and thank you for supporting us!

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