Big V Sanctuary

Big V Sanctuary

280  Teamers
€10,777 raised

Big V Sanctuary and Hospice is a Vegan Run animal sanctuary, based in Chateauponsac, France. We are a registered non-profit association caring for over 150 residents, both farmed and companion animals, who have been rescued from neglect, mistreatment or slaughter. Our vision is to create a peaceful world for all living beings; a world built on justice and respect, regardless of species. In our hospice, we take care of those nearing the end of their life, with dignity, kindness and respect.

Project we support

Feed the animals

Big V Sanctuary

All the money raised will be used to feed the 150+ animals at the Big V Sanctuary. The food bill is always at least €2500 per month so any donation helps!

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Group updates

Miranda Elliott
Teaming Manager

02/06/2024 16:32 h

Hi Sanctuary Friends

The little lambs are doing very well. Settling into the sanctum of life here and drinking very well. They certainly are making themselves at home - choosing to take over Jerome's chair, it's now one of their favourite places to snuggle up! They have free reign to go in and out with the others, but here they are. Enjoying some little privileges!

Thank you for making this possible, that two very wee ones are now safe and enjoying life.

Much love

Your Sanctuary Friends xxx

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Last comments

Frances Small
Frances Small

14/05/2024 00:46 h

Louise Griifin is an Admin for fund raising for Big V Sanctuary and Hospice. She has Just launched an appeal "500 for 50".
This is a Big Birthday Year - Jerome and Miranda who run the sanctuary are 50 years old on the 23rd and 24th May 2004. The dream they have had is to have 500 Teamers supporting the Sanctury.
500 Teamers, each giving one euro a month, which taken together will give money towards the basic food needed for the animals.

Jerome and Miranda devote their live to the sanctuary. Can we as existing teamers come together to give them their wish for their 50th Birthdays? Yes we can make it happen by just giving a little extra time and thought.
Today there are 250 Teamers. All we have to do is find one person each. We can do this for them.

If all of us who are Teamers introduce one or two people to the Sanctuary; explain how they contribute just one euro and that euro will make change happen. Because we are already teamers we can show them what to do and help them through the process. It just
requires a little time. The time that Jerome and Miranda give is their whole lives devoted to the animals.
So who can you enrol to Teaming - your partner, a family member, a friend, a colleague at work, someone at the gym, a fellow churchgoer, a social media friend . . . . They do not need to be followers of the group just sympathetic to giving the animals the best life.

Please. please make your mind up to do this and give Jerome and Miranda a birthday to remember.

I have just started with one person - my husband, John Dunn, became a Teamer on 10/5/2024. I will ask my daughter too Who will you ask?
Frances Small 14/5 /2024 We have just 9 days!

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Miranda Elliott
Teaming Manager

28/12/2020 13:57 h

Thank you to everyone that is supporting us. We are aware that some people are experiencing problems with making the payments and we are working with the site to resolve this xx

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Defense of Animals


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