Barbara Püspök-Mauch


Teamer in 3 Gruppi

Da 13-11-2020 ha contribuito 93 €

Gruppi ai quali partecipo


1.606 € Totale raccolto

47 Teamer

Teamer da:  15/11/2020

Shirins Lucky Rescues

In the year 2018, I moved to Crete to help retired seniors live here in a co-living concept. Only the 2nd day on this island, I took the first puppy off his chain. Since then I resocialize dogs that others throw away. Since then I have lived in the middle of a large pack and rehabilitate every newcomer. Today this task is worth more to me than earning money. Only when 1 dog has found its place in the pack, does it show itself socially and it shapes its further character, for a new family.

2.306 € Totale raccolto

57 Teamer

Teamer da:  15/11/2020

Pro Qen Albania

We help since 6 years local activists in the region of Shkoder, Northern Albania, to raise awareness in pet keeping, to change politics concerning animal welfare, to find organizations who help with spaying and neutering campaigns (CNVR),to deal with everyday emergencies concerning street dogs and cats,to educate be giving good examples. By doing this we hope to build a solid ground so that the activists can continue with this concept in long terms. We are just a few people and need Your HELP.

4.469 € Totale raccolto

173 Teamer

Teamer da:  14/02/2021

Secure Base - Herdenschutzhunde

Bitte hilf den Herdenschutzhunden bei Secure Base ! Es ist uns eine Herzensangelegenheit für diejenigen da zu sein für die sich niemand mehr zuständig fühlt. Für die, die KEINE Lobby haben. Wir sind bemüht einen geschützten Raum zu schaffen in dem sich diese Hunde neu orientieren und entwickeln können. Wo wir sie genau da abholen wo sie nun mal sind ohne große Anforderungen oder Ansprüche an sie zu stellen.