Asociación Go2

Barcelona, Espanya

Teaming Manager de 3 Grups

Grups que lidera


124 € Recaptats

2 Teamers

Teaming Manager des de:  17/01/2020


¿Què fem? El nostre lema és "COL·LABORAR per SUMAR". Go2 neix per arribar on altres organitzacions o individus no arriben, complementar accions que requereixen de suport i donar suport a iniciatives que no acaben de materialitzar-se. Posem a disposició les nostres eines, coneixements i recursos humans per donar resposta a causes que manifestin una necessitat de col·laboració per facilitar i aconseguir la seva concreció.

36 € Recaptats

1 Teamers

Teaming Manager des de:  17/01/2020


Since December we have launched a campaign to donate 1kg of clothing for every 5 euros of purchase in our store and now we want to extend to this platform the same project. For every 5 euros donated we will deliver 1kg of clothing to the Butterfly Skin Solidarity Stores.

118 € Recaptats

2 Teamers

Teaming Manager des de:  20/01/2020


Collaborate with Go2 and with only 1€ that you contribute, we can help the research of this very serious disease. For us the importance of continuing to cooperate with the research of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, is more than just a necessity, it is an urgency since it was discovered, more than 150 years ago, there is currently no effective treatment that can paralyze degeneration or cure it. We need your help. Thank you for your support