Anna Martínez

Anna Martínez

Barcelona, Spagna

Teamer in 7 Gruppi

Dona ogni mese: 6 € a 6 Gruppi

Da 16-12-2013 ha contribuito 662 €

Gruppi ai quali partecipo


153.957 € Totale raccolto

1.681 Teamer

Teamer da:  29/08/2014

Societat Protectora Animals de Mataró

CAMPAIGN € 1 = 1 VETERINARY Our animal shelter has always watched over the animals that live in our shelters, and she fights day after day so that our animals do not see their attentions diminished in spite of the difficulties. That is why once again we ask for the help of the friends of the spAm. In this case making an appeal to the strength of the union: only 1 € of each of us means being able to hire a veterinarian to ensure the health of our animals. You add up?

4.321 € Totale raccolto

35 Teamer

Teamer da:  29/08/2014

Els Nostres Petits

Els Nostres Petits es una pequeña asociación sin ánimo de lucro que ayuda a perros abandonados y/o maltratados. Els Nostres Petits no tiene refugio, nuestro refugio son las casas de acogida, familias particulares que se ofrecen a cuidar de nuestros pequeños hasta que se les encuentra la mejor familia adoptiva. No tenemos ningún tipo de ayuda y los únicos ingresos de los que disponemos son de los poquitos socios que gracias a sus aportaciones hacen que esto sea posible.

152.240 € Totale raccolto

1.662 Teamer

Teamer da:  07/10/2015

Welfare flats - Josep Carreras Leukaemia Foundation

Did you know that 5,000 people get sick with leukaemia each year in Spain, which is the most common childhood cancer, and that despite the progress made, we still lose one in four minors and half of adults? At the Josep Carreras Foundation we have been working for more than 30 years to make leukaemia a 100% curable disease, to find 100% compatible donors for everyone, and to make displaced patients feel at home. With your help, we are unstoppable.

7.147 € Totale raccolto

101 Teamer

Teamer da:  01/05/2016


PAS (Sant Cugat Animalist Platform) is a non-profit association formed by volunteers who work for a more sensitive and responsible society with ALL animals. Our scope of activity focuses on: - Education - Culture without suffering - Animal abuse - Work for a more ethical and proactive administration with all animals - Promotion of responsible adoptions - Rescues and emergencies

637.652 € Totale raccolto

6.970 Teamer

Teamer da:  05/10/2018

Fundación Santuario Gaia

Fundación Santuario Gaia è un centro vegano di recupero per animali considerati come fattoria, dove coloro che sono stati sfruttati, maltrattati o abbandonati, ricevono le cure necessarie per avere una vita decente per il resto della loro vita. Situato a Camprodon (Girona) nei Pirenei, circondato da foreste, fiumi e montagne. Conosci gli abitanti del Santuario qui:

84.509 € Totale raccolto

1.858 Teamer

Teamer da:  11/01/2022

Santuario Winston de ayuda a caballos

This is a sanctuary to help abused & abandoned horses and other species. Live 64 equines and other animals in the sanctuary. The approximate cost per horse per month is 120 euros if they are in good health; if there are not, the amount can go up to a few hundreds of euros and even thousands. We do not have any public subsidy and we NEED YOU THE FINANCIAL HELP TO CONTINUE HELPING THEM. For those who can make some contribution please do so at: IBAN acc. num. IBAN ES89 2100 1277 8113 0027 3677

616 € Totale raccolto

16 Teamer

Teamer da:  13/04/2024


DAVA se dedica a la protección y defensa animal tanto de fauna doméstica como fauna exótica. Rescate de animales que sufren maltrato, ofreciéndoles asistencia veterinaria y refugio.Socializar a los animales rescatados y encontrarles una familiad de adopción.Desarrollar el conocimiento y sensibilidad hacia los animales a través de cursos, conferencias y otros en las escuelas y universidades.