Anna Gatell Estivill

Anna Gatell Estivill

Tarragona, Espagne

Teamer de 5 Groupes

Chaque mois il/elle apporte 4 € à 4 Groupes

Depuis le 12-08-2017 il/elle a donné 136 €

Groupes auxquels il/elle participe


26 816 € récoltés

432 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  12/08/2017

Teaming de la Protectora de Tarragona

No todos pueden ser socios dadas las circunstancias económicas. Por eso y por peticiones de muchas personas de aportar lo que puedan creamos teaming. De todas las colaboraciones depende que podamos operar y mantener a nuestros peludos y los que vienen bastante cuidados. Gracias por apoyar nuestro esfuerzo para que ellos puedan vivir mejor.

13 403 € récoltés

105 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  02/07/2019

PROCCAN Asociacion protectora Canina

Proccan, Asociacion protectora de animales, Vendrell

664 718 € récoltés

6 959 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  10/10/2019

Fundación Santuario Gaia

Gaia Sanctuary Foundation is a vegan rescue and recovery center for animals considered as farm, where those who have been exploited, mistreated or abandoned, receive the necessary care to have a decent life for the rest of their lives.   Located in Camprodon (Girona) in the Pyrenees, surrounded by forests, rivers and mountains.   You could meet the inhabitants of the Sanctuary here:

91 711 € récoltés

1 857 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  12/01/2022

Santuario Winston de ayuda a caballos

This is a sanctuary to help abused & abandoned horses and other species. Live 64 equines and other animals in the sanctuary. The approximate cost per horse per month is 120 euros if they are in good health; if there are not, the amount can go up to a few hundreds of euros and even thousands. We do not have any public subsidy and we NEED YOU THE FINANCIAL HELP TO CONTINUE HELPING THEM. For those who can make some contribution please do so at: IBAN acc. num. IBAN ES89 2100 1277 8113 0027 3677

18 617 € récoltés

305 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  13/04/2024


Món La Bassa is an Animal Sanctuary founded in 2007; moment when its founder began rescuing animals, seeking to guarantee them a dignified life, free of pain and suffering. All of them are rescued from risk or abuse situations and can enjoy a second chance at life, full of love and dignity. Animals are never sold, traded or used for consumption or exploitation in any way.