Anna Maria Simonelli


Teamer de 3 Grupos

Contribui mensalmente: 3 € para 3 Grupos/projetos sociais

Desde 18-12-2020 contribuiu 71 €

Grupos de que participa


6 758 € Arrecadados

109 Teamers

Teamer desde:  28/12/2020


We save “the lasts”, the forgotten. We are active mainly in Spain, saving dogs and cats that are intended to be killed (euthanized, they said) in the “perreras” (kennels). In Italy, we support animal rescue associations that are experiencing periods of extreme need. We have been defined the “miracle group” Join the group and give us 1 euro per month!

36 353 € Arrecadados

1 120 Teamers

Teamer desde:  05/10/2021

associazione animalisti attivi Odv - catanzaro

Sono un Veterinario e a Catanzaro gestisco una piccola associazione che si occupa di gatti randagi feriti, malati e disabili. Li curiamo e restano con noi finché non trovano una casa adatta. Di solito abbiamo in media 80/90 ospiti. SEGUITECU sui social come @lillypullano o in pagina fb. Il teaming è l'unico aiuto che abbiamo per salvarli♥️

12 873 € Arrecadados

935 Teamers

Teamer desde:  01/01/2024


AnimaLiberAction is an anti-species association that fights for the freedom and rights of all animals of any species. Every month we organize charity events to help the structures that house animals rescued from imprisonment and human exploitation but also volunteering, street activism, demonstrations, awareness-raising actions, projects in schools, sticking of posters, etc. Help us to cover the expenses for the realization of these projects.