Animals in Need (Gibraltar)

Animals in Need (Gibraltar)

26  Teamers
1 822 € angariados

We are a small group of volunteers working to save the lives of abandoned dogs, in Gibraltar and Spain, and find them wonderful homes. We have high costs such as vet bills, transport costs and kennel fees, so please join our team and help us save more lives. For every 150 teamers, we can pay kennel fees for one dog per month.

Projeto apoiado

Saving abandoned dogs

Animals In Need Foundation (Gibraltar)

We are working hard to save dogs who have been abandoned, many of whom have been earmarked to be put to sleep. We are getting those dogs out of the shelters or killing station to save their lives, this involves vets bills, travel costs and kennel fees.

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Atualizações do Grupo

Lesley Louise
Lesley Louise
Teaming Manager

14/09/2020 20:27 h

24 teamers so far, Cujo says thank you x

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0 Comentários


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Últimos comentários

Lesley Louise
Lesley Louise
Teaming Manager

13/09/2020 20:07 h

Helping dogs like Heidi

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0 Comentários


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Total angariado até agora:
1 822 €
Doamos até agora:
1 564 €
Valor angariado para o projeto
258 €
Consultar o histórico de angariações


Data de publicação

Proteção animal


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