Madrid, Spain

Teamer in 13 Groups

Contributes every month: €13 to 13 Groups

Since 12-10-2013 has contributed €1,670

Groups supported


€26,095 Raised

145 Teamers

Teamer since:  30/03/2014

VYDANIMAL (Protectora de Animales)

Asociación de voluntarios que rescatamos animales en situaciones muy críticas y que requieren de un ingreso o tratamiento de carácter urgente. Cubrimos todas sus necesidades durante su recuperación hasta su adopción por personas responsables. Necesitamos mucha ayuda económica para afrontar las elevadas facturas veterinarias que asumimos al hacernos cargo de estos casos. FORMAS DE DONAR: PayPal: OpenBank: ES63 0073 0100 580502830736 OPENESMM GRACIAS.

€96,632 Raised

1,055 Teamers

Teamer since:  06/05/2014

Madrid Felina

MADRID FELINA es una asociación sin ánimo de lucro. Somos los que sabemos que Madrid está llena de gatos olvidados y gatos buscados, gatos maltratados y gatos perseguidos. Buscamos alcanzar un sueño: Crear un centro de acogida y recuperación para gatos de Madrid, donde puedan encontrar el refugio y la oportunidad que tantas veces no les brinda y procurar una ciudad, con gatos felices, salvados y serenos y en paz, con su hábitat y con los ciudadanos.

€18,493 Raised

278 Teamers

Teamer since:  08/05/2014

Rivanimal Asociación de Rivas Vaciamadrid

The members of Rivanimal are committed people and animal lovers. We are especially sensitive to the problem of abandonment and mistreatment of animals, which is why we unite to defend the rights of many pets that deserve a dignified life, an opportunity in a home, and affection that they always repay in spades.

€18,011 Raised

223 Teamers

Teamer since:  13/09/2014

Mi Mejor Amigo de 4 Patas España

Help us by joining our Teaming. We rescue animals victims of abuse and neglect. With the enthusiasm and contribution of all we can achieve it. It is only € 1 per month and the dream of abused animals will come true, do you want to be part of your dreams?

€22,385 Raised

208 Teamers

Teamer since:  18/10/2014

APAMAG (Help for Abandoned Dogs in Madrid-Guadalajara)

The Association "Help to Abandoned Dogs Madrid-Guadalajara" (APAMaG) is a non-profit organization that is mainly dedicated to looking for responsible adoptions to dogs and cats rescued from kennels or directly from the street. APAMaG has no shelter, it works thanks to shelters. All proceeds are for the exclusive use of living expenses, veterinarians or dog residences once rescued. For more information visit our website (

€129,985 Raised

2,091 Teamers

Teamer since:  25/11/2014


Destinamos nuestra recaudación para la ayuda de peludos mayores de 7 años. Un Teaming es un grupo de personas solidarias unidas por una causa común. Nosotr@s trabajamos por los peludos viejitos en situación de desamparo. Gracias por hacer su vida un poco mejor.

€5,975 Raised

43 Teamers

Teamer since:  03/12/2015


Recogida de fondos para ayudar a los niños refugiados de nuestros programas de acogimiento y otros en riesgo de exclusión social, partícipes de nuestros programas sociales de ayuda a la infancia mas desfavorecida. 1. Acogimientos temporales de niños refugiados en España. 2. Instalación de estufas en los colegios de los acogidos en Abjasia. 3. Aula de la experiencia y la solidaridad, se dan clases de apoyo escolar a niños inmigrantes y/o en riesgo de exclusión social.

€644,430 Raised

6,943 Teamers

Teamer since:  18/04/2016

Fundación Santuario Gaia

Gaia Sanctuary Foundation is a vegan rescue and recovery center for animals considered as farm, where those who have been exploited, mistreated or abandoned, receive the necessary care to have a decent life for the rest of their lives.   Located in Camprodon (Girona) in the Pyrenees, surrounded by forests, rivers and mountains.   You could meet the inhabitants of the Sanctuary here:

€2,974 Raised

48 Teamers

Teamer since:  11/02/2018

Little House of Alf

This teaming has been set up to fund the rescuing and relocation of animals. Mainly for travel to where they are and then to be able to take them on from there, also for food or medicine/vets while they stay with us until their final foreverhome... We cant cope with the costs...And their lives lituarlly depend on us. Thankyou so much for helping... We will demonstrate every liberation wherever posible... So you can see them progress... Xx

€1,444 Raised

14 Teamers

Teamer since:  19/10/2018


Intentar salvarles las vidas para darles una oportunidad, sacando perros de la perrera antes de 10 dias, que es el tiempo legal que mantienen con vida y de la calle, para que no vayan a perrera. No solo hay que sacarlos, también mantener su espacio y alimentarlos mientras se les preparan y se les busca adopción.

€641 Raised

20 Teamers

Teamer since:  26/01/2021

Asociación Morateña Animalista A.M.A.

Esta Asociación tiene como fin general la protección y el bienestar de los animales de compañia cualesquiera que fueran su circunstancia o lugar que se hallen. Para conocer nuestros fines específicos, póngase en contacto con nosotros.

€356,482 Raised

3,918 Teamers

Teamer since:  05/03/2022

Fundación Santuario Vegan

Santuario Vegan was born in 2011 with the purpose that we work for every day of the year: saving and protecting farmed animals. Thanks to your support, more than 300 residents: horses, donkeys, cows, bulls, sheep, goats, pigs and poultry were saved from a certain death. Here, they receive love, care and health treatment in a natural space away from exploitation.

€6,544 Raised

296 Teamers

Teamer since:  28/05/2024


Association that was born to fight for animal rights in Campanario (Badajoz). We live in an area punished by animal abuse and neglect, so we find it necessary to raise awareness about this great problem and eradicate it. We survive thanks to the support of people who collaborate with us. As we do not have shelter or resources, it is difficult for us to work. Please help us! Thank you!