Aina Vinyes i Casasayas

Aina Vinyes i Casasayas

Barcelona, Espanha

Teamer de 3 Grupos

Contribui mensalmente: 2 € para 2 Grupos/projetos sociais

Desde 26-10-2017 contribuiu 186 €

Grupos de que participa


19 069 € Arrecadados

124 Teamers

Teamer desde:  26/10/2017

SEPROAN Protectora d'Animals de Sallent- BCN

Som una associació sense ànim de lucre, formada per voluntaris, per ajudar els animals (gossos i gats) perduts, abandonats i maltractats. Vetllem per la seva recuperació i posterior adopció amb families responsables. També tenim cura de les colònies de gats del carrer. De capturar-los, castrar-los i tornar-los a deixar si són salvatges i intentem donar en adopció els petits i els adults més mansos.

234 147 € Arrecadados

3 486 Teamers

Teamer desde:  29/11/2018

Open Arms

Open Arms opens its arms to women, men, boys, girls and all those fleeing horror, looking for a chance. The humanitarian emergency in the Mediterranean does not stop and our mission is to protect the lives of the most vulnerable at sea, and on land continues. Working in schools on human rights and empathy and denouncing all injustices is our mission as well. From your hand we can prevent more deaths. We need each other. You are needed.

12 506 € Arrecadados

87 Teamers

Teamer desde:  17/11/2020

A.D.S.N. Acción Directa Sierra Norte

A.D.S.N. It's a O.N.G. Founded in Spain in June 2.016. Until September 2.019, the "Móvil Kitchen" and "Panadería Lujan" projects have been operating in Polikastro and Lesvos, both in Greece. From there, the collection and shipment of several containers of humanitarian aid to Greece continued. The last shipment was made in January 2.021. We are now starting another new project in Spain, while continuing to help the refugees who are still in Greece in the distance.