7vides. Cat

Barcelona, Espagne

Teaming Manager de 1 Groupes

Chaque mois il/elle apporte 1 € à 1 Groupes

Depuis le 18-08-2018 il/elle a donné 77 €

Groupes qu'il/elle dirige


4 590 € récoltés

95 Teamers

Teaming Manager depuis :  18/08/2018


7VIDES is a non-profit association. It was formed on February 27, 2018. We help the cats of the municipality of Ódena (08711), Barcelona. Since August 2019 (thanks to financial donations and volunteer help) we have a small shelter where we can have cats. We also perform CES in the colonies of the municipality to control them. We want to continue growing as an association, but we need help ... Help us to help for just one eurito per month !!! Thank you :)