4 mori e 4 zampe

4 mori e 4 zampe

7  Teamers
345 € récoltés

We work on south Sardinia, we take care of in a special way of dogs and cats. This request come from the need to collect food , medicine, and therapies for who don't have a home. We would like you to join Us to become a big family taking care of those have been with Us for a long time and of newcomers because We cannot take it anymore alone We need your help please We can find us on the Facebook page at the following page https://m.facebook.com/4morie4zampe/?locale2=it_IT

Nous destinons notre collecte à :

Primi soldi ritirati!

4 mori e 4 zampe per pappe randagi!

Con questi primi soldini possiamo riempire ciotole per 20 giorni! Grazie

Publié le

Actualisations du Groupe

Doriana Marrocu
Teaming Manager

17/03/2024 18:55 h

Oggi abbiamo preso i soldi degli ultimi mesi, così da comprare gli antiparassitari e pappe! Grazie grazie grazie a chi continua a contribuire

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Dernier commentaire

Doriana Marrocu
Teaming Manager

01/07/2021 12:00 h

Continuo a ringraziare coloro che ancora oggi mandano il loro piccolo contributo mensile!
Fateci pubblicità!! Grazie infinite.. team 4mori

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Ilaria Biasato
Ilaria Biasato

16/01/2021 09:53 h

Ciao a tutti/e! Ho aderito con piacere a questa iniziativa e spero possa ottenere molti consensi :)

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1 commentaires


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Nous avons récolté à ce jour :
345 €
Nous avons déjà donné :
331 €
Nous allons donner :
14 €
Voir détail des collectes


Date de publication

Défense des animaux


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