1€ for Tsunza Medical Centre (rural Kenya)

1€ for Tsunza Medical Centre (rural Kenya)

1  Teamers
89 € récoltés

Tsunza Medical Centre was built and founded by Children of Africa and Maisha Safi organisations in collaboration with the local organisation CODAK in Tsunza village, located in Kinango, one of the poorest rural districts in Kenya. It is not yet a self-sustainable project and it will benefit a lot from any small aid that can receive, as the community and villagers in the area are living in extreme poverty and can barely pay for check-up visits.

Nous destinons notre collecte à :

Tsunza Medical Centre

Children of Africa

Tsunza Medical Centre was built between 2011 and 2013 with the funds raised by Children of Africa and Maisha Safi organisations in collaboration with the local association CODAK, in order to reduce the impact of poverty in the rural village of Tsunza and its surroundings. Many people had to walk long distances to reach the nearest health centre and both pregnancy and natality were under threat for a long time. For this reason, volunteers from all over Europe decided to join hands together.

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Nous avons récolté à ce jour :
89 €
Nous avons déjà donné :
62 €
Nous allons donner :
27 €
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