We have a small animal shelter, which has 16 houses for our dogs. We use all the contributions we receive mainly to pay the rent for the shelter, the salaries of the two caregivers who take turns taking care of them, the purchase of monthly feed and visits to the vet to keep all our dog tenants up to date, and in addition to the unforeseen events that arise on a daily basis, such as some other arrangement that has to be made at the shelter, or some extreme case that reaches us at the shelter and we must take care of. We also work with foster homes that offer a temporary home to recover the animal and make its abandonment situation less difficult, so these expenses or visits to the veterinarian are on us. That is why EACH of your contributions is so important, and we will always be grateful to you, and above all THEM.

Beneficiary : NGO SOSGOLDEN
Project supported by :
Posted on : 19/11/2012
Project status : Open
