Teaming - 1€/month micro donations

Traducció en Beta. Ajuda'ns a millorar

PISOS DE ACOGIDA para pacientes de leucemina con pocos recursos

The Josep Carreras Foundation against Leukemia has a program of welflare flats (8), whose objective is to offer accommodation to patients with leukaemia and other oncohematological diseases, and their families, with limited financial resources and who live far from the hospital center that serves them. The Foundation works with hospitals that perform bone marrow transplants and CAR-T immunotherapies in the Barcelona area. All flats are single-family, have no cost for patients and are awarded by the hospitals' social work unit. Since its creation, it has welcomed more than 500 patients and their families and has offered a total of 30,578 nights of accommodation.

Beneficiari : Fundación Josep Carreras contra la Leucemia
Més informació : Document del projecte
Projecte del Grup :
Publicat el : 24/04/2013
Estat del projecte : Obert
