Meals for Starving Animals in Romania and Ukraine

Galati, Romania is home to thousands of stray dogs suffering from starvation, disease, and abuse. We need your help to give nutrient meals to these hungry dogs throughout the region. Our sanctuary only has a capacity for 700 dogs, but our work goes beyond this. We share funds and supplies with 5 other Romanian organizations and a dozen of Ukrainians rescuers who, regardless of bullets and bombs, promise to fight as hard for the animals as the entire nation is fighting for their homeland! ROLDA cannot standby while dogs suffer and perish from a lack of food. With your help, thousands of dogs can live better. Please, act now.

Beneficiario : Homeless animals in Galati and Ukraine
Más información : Documento del proyecto
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Publicado el : 18/07/2018
Estado del proyecto : Abierto