Ayuda a Lucia

Lucía - has been with us for almost 12 years. Do you know how many people at that time thought we were idiots? According to many, putting him to sleep was the only option. Lucía starved and 80% of her body was burned with insecticide mixed with chlorine because the former owner thought she would scare away the flies. We took care of her day and night for three months. She cut the skin off of her, which was slowly peeling off. Before leaving the stable, she was doused with water because her skin was literally torn. Lucia struggled and it was a delight to see the first time she was allowed to roll in the sand. Lucía now wears a UV suit in summer, because 20% of her body does not have enough hair to protect her from the sun. Her vision is 30 and 70% respectively. When she first arrived, many people were supporting her. Now there are only 8 left... Would you like to support Lucía for only €0.03 per day = €1 per month?

Beneficiary : FUNDACION Caballos en Peligro España.
Project supported by :
Posted on : 02/02/2015
Project status : Open


Lucia - cuando la encontramos
Lucia - ahora