Teaming - 1€/month micro donations

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Rent and improvements "La Casa de Mau"

The group's fundraising is mainly intended to help pay the €400/month that is the rent for our small home-sanctuary. Occasionally, it can also be used for repairs, (it is a fairly old house); environmental enrichment of the feline area or collaborate in the maintenance expenses, which each month exceed €1,500 I am available to answer any questions at: More info about what we do on: Instagram @lacasademau

Empfänger : Gaticos y Perretes
Projekt unterstützt von :
Posted on : 22/01/2015
Project status : Open


Zona los abueletes
Zona "los Pekes", casi todos con enfermedad crónica
Noe: enf.renal, osteoartritis, hipertensión
Kitty tras su cirugía para extirpar un nódulo interescapular