Teaming - 1€/month micro donations

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Fundraising for the abandoned animals we rescue in Potes i Arrels

Potes i Arrels we are a non-profit association that fights to defend the well-being of abandoned animals. We are located in Muro de Alcoy, Alicante. Our goal is to manage an animal shelter, a place where we can house all those animals we rescue. Until that moment comes, we exist thanks to the collaboration of foster homes. We need funds to be able to pay vets, to buy the animals food and other materials such as trap cages, carriers, leashes,... We also have an educational project: to organize seminars with professional speakers, with the aim that training in animal welfare reaches the maximum number of people we can. For this project, we need funds to pay the speakers, as well as the materials necessary for the seminaries development.

Beneficiario : Animal Shelter of Muro de Alcoy, Potes i Arrels
Progetto sostenuto da :
Pubblicato il : 15/06/2016
Status del progetto : Aperto