Socioeducational Center Lestonnac

The Socio-Educational Center Lestonnac aims to help minors and their families in situations of social vulnerability in the Northern District of Granada, promoting their social inclusion and active participation in the construction of a more equal and resilient future. The project is based on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda and seeks to provide an educational, safe and enriching environment. The project seeks to generate sustainable and lasting impacts in the lives of the participants, promoting their autonomy, emotional well-being and comprehensive development. In addition, it aspires to establish strategic alliances and work collaboratively with the community to achieve a more inclusive and sustainable future. To see everything that we do, follow us on our Social Media: - Instagram: @cselestonnac - Facebook: Centro Socioeducativo Lestonnac - YouTube: Lestonnac Centro Socioeducativo

Beneficiary : Children, Teenagers and Families of the Northern District of Granada
More information : Project document
Project supported by :
Posted on : 09/09/2015
Project status : Open


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