Teaming - 1€/month micro donations

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1 Commenti
Francesc Tur Balaguer, Teamer, il 01/05/2014  alle 11:54h

Bon dia! Hello! Bonjour! Buongiorno!
Me llamo Francesc y me acabo de unir al grupo.Me gustaría poder reunirme con alguno de los miembros para hablar-

Elaine Gill
Elaine Gill, Teaming Manager, il 01/05/2014  alle 21:37h

Hello Francesc, many thanks for joining our Group. Do you live in Mallorca? Our Facebook page is Cat and kitten, advice and rescue

Kind regards

Questo forum è riservato solo ai teamer e ai teaming manager di questo gruppo.

Elaine Gill
Elaine Gill, Teaming Manager, il 21/04/2014  alle 00:28h

It's very busy down at Casa Nicky.

Our 5 basura kittens have just gone off to there forever loving homes.

We have one Tabby Mum and 3 gorgeous kittens plus A beautiful black Mum with 4 super black babies.

Four kittens arrived today after being rescued off the street and tomorrow we have another Mother cat coming in with her 4 babies, before she could be rescued from the street she was taken to the notoriusly poor Natura Parc, thankfully she has only had to spend 2 nights in there.

Tomorrow we also welcome 3 foster mums who are taking 7 newborn babies between them to hand rear, never a dull moment and it's only April.

Thank you once again for your kind donations.
Nicky, Elaine and kittys xx

Questo forum è riservato solo ai teamer e ai teaming manager di questo gruppo.

Elaine Gill
Elaine Gill, Teaming Manager, il 22/03/2014  alle 17:11h

Nicky and I would like to thank you for your continued support. We have now built a 3 pen cattery at Casa Nicky and curently have: 5 hand fed kittens, 1 x 13 week old kitten who is leukemia positive, I mother cat with 3 new born kittens, I mother cat awaiting her kittens and 1 adult cat temporarily blind from eye infection, recovering well and will be spayed next week. In a few weeks she will be back in her safe outdoor home.

Without your help we would not be able to rescue and care for these cats & kittens xxx

Questo forum è riservato solo ai teamer e ai teaming manager di questo gruppo.