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982 Teamers
72 056 € angariados
Imagine not being able to hold your baby for fear of hurting them because their skin is as fragile as a butterfly's wing. Butterfly skin is a rare and incurable disease that prevents the different layers of the skin from being held together and wounds are created by the slightest touch or even spontaneously. Anyone could have a child affected. The DEBRA Association offers social and health care, training for professionals, advocacy and support for research. Saber mais…
369 Teamers
7 201 € angariados
CADASIL is a rare hereditary disease that affects the small arteries throughout the body, but its symptoms only occur in the brain, causing recurrent strokes and dementia at an early age, leaving the patient with great disability and dependency. There is no cure, but a research team at the Hospital de Sant Pau is about to start a clinical trial to see if treatments already on the market can help slow down this incapacitating disease. Help them! Saber mais…
333 Teamers
25 158 € angariados
Dravet syndrome is a rare and catastrophic form of epilepsy that affects children and adults. Every 100 Teamers, annually, make possible to correctly diagnose 12 children, or train 15 people as carers or hire the eyes and hands of a researcher for 10 days to develop a drug or prevent 3 or 4 children from getting inadequate treatment in the ICU... They need to be many, many more to achieve their challenge. Will you join them? Saber mais…
873 Teamers
76 943 € angariados
Aitor (3-years-old child) was diagnosed with Duplication-mecp2 syndrome in November of 2013. Aitor couldn’t communicate with people as a child of his age should, he had breathing problems and he could barely sleep, all this as a consequence of his disease. There are only 120 cases in the world, and 23 of them in Spain. The life expectancy of these children is 25 years. Sant Joan de Déu Hospital (Barcelona) has opened a research for finding a cure. Saber mais…
562 Teamers
17 262 € angariados
Multiple Sclerosis is a neuroimmune disease suffered by 55,000 people in Spain. Every year 1,800 new cases of MS are diagnosed in Spain. The GAEM Foundation promotes the development of biomarkers to improve the prognosis of the disease and to shorten the research time for new treatments. They bring the best treatments and technologies to patients, supporting research and innovation. Can you help them with €1 a month? Saber mais…
210 Teamers
11 654 € angariados
Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy (FSHD) is a rare degenerative and genetic disease characterised by a marked facial inexpressiveness, progressive muscle weakness and whose sufferers have a highly variable disability, even losing the ability to walk and total dependence on third parties for a large part of their lives. They need you to take the first steps towards a potential research. Will you join them? Saber mais…
733 Teamers
12 460 € angariados
Las Triples is an association of patients with triple-negative breast cancer, the most aggressive with the worst prognosis. It mainly affects young women like Marta and Ely, who were diagnosed before the age of 40. Despite everything, they have decided to join forces to improve the lives of other patients, to raise awareness of this type of tumour and to raise funds for research. Research is the only way, and Las Triples knows it is better to go together. Will you join them? Saber mais…
171 Teamers
11 357 € angariados
The Isidre Esteve Foundation has sports therapies for women who have suffered gender violence to recover their self-esteem, reconcile with their bodies and regain their confidence in other people. Thanks to group therapies with other women who have been through a similar situation, women realise that it was not them. To be able to give these therapies to women without resources, they need the help of more people, can you help them? Saber mais…
455 Teamers
23 023 € angariados
The aim of Alegría Sin Fronteras is that no more mothers die during pregnancy and childbirth and no more newborns die from preventable causes. They do this by raising community awareness of the importance of attending prenatal check-ups and giving birth in a health centre. By training midwives, creating the Gambo neonatal unit and providing rural health centres and the Gambo rural hospital with the necessary equipment to deal with childbirth and its complications. Will you join them? Saber mais…
365 Teamers
16 487 € angariados
Every year, the Telephone of Hope answers almost 200,000 calls thanks to 1,500 volunteers who are there 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Feeling listened to is the first step to prevent suicides. With your help, they can continue to be there for thousands of people who need hope. 1€ from each Teamer, a person can be listened to for 50 minutes. Will you join them to help them keep their lines open? Saber mais…
478 Teamers
15 816 € angariados
Arrels accompanies the most vulnerable people living on the streets of Barcelona to achieve a more autonomous life by covering basic needs: accommodation, social and health care. Every year they guarantee stable accommodation to more than 260 people who for many years had been living on the streets. Each euro received allows them to cover the cost of a flat, which is around €500 per month. Can you help them to help more people? Saber mais…
346 Teamers
30 670 € angariados
A group of firemen and firewomen who wanted to help a little are managing to change many lives thanks to the monthly support of €1 from their Teamers. With €1 a month donated by each person, they make it possible for children to have presents for Christmas. But also families affected by autism or a rare disease feel supported. Firefighters in Chile can go out to save lives every day. And that children with childhood cancer have fewer sequelae. Can you help them? Saber mais…
308 Teamers
5 568 € angariados
More than 800,000 people are diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. A disease that causes loneliness for the patient and for the family, who do not know how to deal with the diagnosis. Recuérdame tries to break this loneliness by accompanying patients, carers and the whole family with therapies, emotional support and cognitive stimulation material. They want no family to have to experience the loneliness that they themselves experienced with their loved ones. Saber mais…
194 Teamers
4 963 € angariados
Every day 10 babies are born with congenital heart disease in Spain. In their first year of life, 1 in 3 will need to be hospitalised away from home for an average of 26 days. Menudos Corazones works to improve the lives of these children and their families. With the accommodation programme, they provide a free home near the hospital where they can rest and recuperate, so that their only concern is their little one. By joining this Group, together, we make a home possible for these families. Saber mais…
493 Teamers
33 612 € angariados
TARDOR aims to alleviate the effects of poverty and social exclusion of people who fall outside the welfare system. It responds to the basic needs of food, security, sanitation and residential space. The aim of its work is to help people regain their dignity. Hundreds of food plates are currently given every day in the canteen and the Family Care Centre. Can you help them with €1 a month? Saber mais…
1 554 Teamers
142 344 € angariados
Iñaki was a volunteer doctor at Gambo Hospital in southern Ethiopia. The situation of the centre and the region had such an impact on him that he decided to return as director and help to transform it. Thanks to one of the projects they have created, severely malnourished children are hospitalised for 3-4 weeks until they regain a minimum survival threshold and can start eating again. Every 100 Teamers can finance one of these stays. Would you like to be a Teamer as well? Saber mais…
3 580 Teamers
262 200 € angariados
The emergency continues and the Mediterranean crisis does not stop no matter how hot or cold it gets. Open Arms is sailing again to protect the lives of the most vulnerable; reaffirming its commitment that every life counts and as long as there are people who throw themselves into the sea, Open Arms will rescue them to save their lives. Only by your hand can they save them, as they have more and more obstacles to navigate and rescue. Help them to continue saving lives with €1 a month. Saber mais…
1 537 Teamers
48 587 € angariados
Doctors Without Borders provides medical and humanitarian assistance to those who need it most, wherever they are. We have already made it possible to vaccinate children against measles in several countries (Democratic Republic of Congo and Somalia), to care for pregnant women in humanitarian crises, and to provide urgent medical care to children suffering from malnutrition in Nigeria. Become an MSF Teamer to make their help possible, come what may! Saber mais…
853 Teamers
48 163 € angariados
12 years of war in Syria have left millions of victims and 5.5 million refugees. But the situation for refugees continues to worsen in the aftermath of the pandemic, the war in Ukraine and the earthquakes in February. UNHCR continues to support them with cash to cover basic needs, as well as their access to health, education, shelter and livelihoods. Help them to stay by their side. Saber mais…
2 854 Teamers
176 384 € angariados
In Yemen, 83% of the people have nothing. Many girls drop out of school and are married off with the hope that they will be fed. They are put through hell: abuse, rape, pregnancy. If schools provide food, families are more likely to bring them. We offer daily breakfasts (milk, bread, eggs, cheese, fruit) for 525 girls to ensure their attendance. Your euro makes a great difference, join them! Saber mais…
310 Teamers
7 918 € angariados
Thousands of children need vaccines to survive. In 2021, 18 million children received none. Not being vaccinated puts them, their families and their communities at risk of disease and death and denies them the chance to live healthy lives. By becoming a Teamer, you will help UNICEF continue to work to ensure that every child in the world will be vaccinated, every child will be protected. Saber mais…
314 Teamers
40 278 € angariados
Bomberos Ayudan gives equine therapies to children with special needs. These therapies greatly improve their muscles and body posture, but it is incredible the effects they have on their mood. The families of these children often dont have the capacity to give them these therapies and thats where Bomberos Ayudan comes in. Help them to be able to give more therapies to more sick children. Will you join them? Saber mais…
146 Teamers
4 623 € angariados
Cerebral palsy is very different in each person: from mobility problems to severe mental retardation. To improve their quality of life, ASPACE Soria offers all kinds of care and therapies. In order to be able to attend more people, with better facilities and even have a residence, ASPACE Soria is building a new centre in the city. They are about to inaugurate it, but they need help to finish it and then to maintain it. Saber mais…
387 Teamers
8 537 € angariados
Caná Foundation offers holistic care to people with intellectual disabilities. With the new centre, which is equipped with the latest technology, they attend more than 200 people every day. But it is not only the technology, it is also the great human treatment that each one of them receives: because each boy or girl is treated individually so that they can reach the maximum of their abilities and improve their lives. In addition, they also organise weekend activities and summer camps. Saber mais…
196 Teamers
17 309 € angariados
The mission of Fundación Alicia y Guillermo is to work by, for and with older people, in order to tackle situations of social exclusion and unwanted loneliness, and to promote their development, participation and effective inclusion in society. They tackle five challenges that affect many older people: loneliness, inequality, exclusion, dependency and ageism. With 3 Teamers, every month an older person enjoys an activity. Will you join them? Saber mais…
653 Teamers
64 703 € angariados
Xamfrà is an educational and artistic initiative for social inclusion. Thanks to the use of music and the arts, coexistence and social inclusion in the community. They work for the inclusion of people in vulnerable situations and at risk of social exclusion. Currently 300 children and young people from 24 different countries participate in their activities. Do you want help them give scholarships so that everyone can participate? Saber mais…
131 Teamers
2 304 € angariados
Music has a miraculous power in the lives of less fortunate children. Being able to be part of a choir and/or orchestra where they can perform and be one more, is a boost of self-esteem and confidence in their day-to-day life and in their life in general. VOZES offers this musical education completely free of charge to children in vulnerable situations, but they need more support to continue helping them. Do you want to be part of the change in their lives? Saber mais…
421 Teamers
21 111 € angariados
Bubisher's libraries and bookmobiles are an oasis for the Saharawi people living in the refugees' camps (Tindouf-Algeria). Access to other realities through books, plays and talks that they organise themselves allows them to forget the reality of their lives. Because everyone has the right to enjoy culture and leisure. Bubisher has already opened 5 libraries, help them maintain them! Saber mais…
372 Teamers
34 104 € angariados
When a hospitalised person has to undergo surgery, being able to enter the operating theatre laughing is priceless. The Pallapupas work to make room for laughter and humour during the illness process. Thanks to your help, with humour they can unblock fears and anguish, improving the experience of the illness and contributing to the emotional wellbeing of the patients. Help make these visits possible with €1 a month! Saber mais…
177 Teamers
6 833 € angariados
Can you imagine what your life would be like if you had grown up without the unconditional love of your family? In Andalusia, more than 2,300 children are living in child protection centres who do not have the warmth of a home to develop themselves as a person. The Collaborating Families share weekends and holidays with these boys and girls, but it is much more than time: it is self-esteem, feeling loved, and having healthy bonds. With €1 a month, you can change their lifes. Saber mais…
313 Teamers
20 354 € angariados
Wildlife is forced to live daily with multiple threats: power lines, road traffic, firearms, various infrastructures, plundering, poison and wire fences, among others. The AMUS hospital gives a second chance to all the wounded wildlife in the province of Badajoz. A team of professionals and volunteers put all their efforts into returning all the specimens that are admitted to the hospital to Nature, the place they should never have left. Can you help us to cure them? Saber mais…
1 419 Teamers
90 075 € angariados
At MONA Foundation, primates recover from the mistreatment they have suffered as circus performers, television artists or even pets. Many of them have lived long years in absolute solitude and terrible conditions, but the rehabilitation centre provides them with an excellent home, where they recover by living as a family with their fellows, in a natural environment. Teamers pay for the primates' fruit and vegetables, will you join them? Saber mais…
218 Teamers
7 880 € angariados
The CRAM Foundation is an organisation that assists endangered marine species that reach the Catalan coast to reintroduce them. More than 50 sea turtles come to the centre yearly to recover from different injuries until they can return to the sea. With your contribution, you will contribute to their food and medical treatments during their stay. Would you like to help us? Saber mais…
714 Teamers
56 866 € angariados
The Jane Goodall Institute has the largest rehabilitation centre for orphaned chimpanzees in Africa in Congo, with more than 140 chimpanzees rescued from the hands of hunters and traffickers. The local team of carers, educators and ecoguardians make it possible for them to recover from their mental and physical wounds and have a second chance in a safe environment. Can you help them with €1 a month to continue saving lives? Saber mais…
386 Teamers
14 875 € angariados
GREFA was created to study and conserve nature and biodiversity, with special attention to the native fauna with the most conservation problems. They do this through actions such as captive breeding, reintroduction or reinforcement of wild populations. Its Wildlife Hospital has attended to more than 60,000 animals, to the point of being considered the largest and busiest in Europe in its speciality. Do you want to help them with €1 a month? Saber mais…
286 Teamers
13 004 € angariados
"Children against Cancer" is a project of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra to help families with insufficient resources to access specific treatments to cure their children with childhood cancer. It also helps research in the search for solutions to defeat this minority disease, especially bone sarcomas and childhood brain tumours. Help them to support families with ill children. Saber mais…
345 Teamers
37 544 € angariados
Anita was 2 years old when she was diagnosed with cancer. Unfortunately she was unable to overcome it, she fought with all her strength for almost 4 years, but the lack of research into her tumour and, therefore, of effective treatments to cure it, took her away forever. The association raises funds in order to research childhood cancer and finance programmes in palliative care units that improve the quality of life of the brave little ones and their families. Make it possible with €1 a month! Saber mais…
259 Teamers
6 950 € angariados
Because cancer touches us all (according to the WHO, one in three men and one in four women will suffer from cancer in their lifetime), CRIS is me, CRIS is you, CRIS is all of us. The CRIS Foundation was created with a single objective: to defeat cancer through research. An enormous challenge, but one that justifies all the effort, talent and commitment necessary to achieve it, and which also fills us with hope and life every day. Will you join them? Saber mais…
1 242 Teamers
96 957 € angariados
Juegaterapia is a foundation formed with a single objective: to make the lives of children in hospitals more bearable. They collect all types of used consoles and video games and distribute them to children's oncology areas in hospitals throughout Spain. Juegaterapia is carrying out a pioneering initiative in Spain that recovers disused hospital rooftops and turns them into gardens so that all children can play outdoors in a green and playful environment. Will you join them? Saber mais…
1 370 Teamers
79 807 € angariados
Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona has created a specialised paediatric cancer centre. Every year, 400 new patients are treated, where they are offered the most innovative treatments with the least possible sequelae. The hospital aims to increase the chances of a cure, in an environment where their emotional well-being and that of their families is a priority. Teamers support the precision oncology programme for children who do not respond to conventional treatments. Can you help them? Saber mais…
432 Teamers
28 801 € angariados
Ainara has a rare disease that causes her a multitude of symptoms, but the good thing about her illness is that everything that advances with therapies stays with her. That's why her family gives her all the therapies she needs to walk and communicate: physiotherapy, equine therapy, music therapy, occupational therapy... but these are private therapies that the family has to pay for. Do you want help them pay for the therapies so that Ainara doesn't stop getting better? Saber mais…
1 057 Teamers
102 209 € angariados
Alba is a smart, funny, nice girl. Although we could rather say "was", because on 21 March 2016, a terrible accident happened. A family member, in a state of shock due to an epileptic seizure, dropped Alba from a third floor. Some doctors wanted to throw in the towel, but Alba wanted to live. Now she has a lot of brain damage and a long process of neurorehabilitation before her so she can recover and get back to her old self. Help her! Saber mais…
527 Teamers
68 731 € angariados
After a premature birth at 25 weeks, Xana spent a year in the ICU and came out with a diagnosis: cerebral palsy. But her parents never gave up. Thanks to this, Xana is now 14 years old and communicates with pictograms and signs and understands everything that is said to her. Every week, Xana has physiotherapy, occupational therapy, pedagogy and speech therapy. The result is here, but it comes at a very high cost: in total, every month, it's €1000 for Xana to keep progressing. Can you help? Saber mais…
341 Teamers
20 783 € angariados
Jorge suffered a feto-fetal transfusion from his twin brother Cristian at 36 weeks of pregnancy, resulting in severe anaemia. Cristian was not so lucky and passed. After 17 days in the ICU, Jorge seemed to be progressing well, but eventually he was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Since then we have been helping him with many therapies and orthopaedic devices. We have a dream: that he can walk. Can you help us to make it possible with 1€/month? Saber mais…
522 Teamers
4 726 € angariados
Carolina, Daniel and Hugo are three siblings diagnosed with Friedreich's Ataxia. It is a neurodegenerative disease, with no cure, which attacks the nervous system. It causes muscle weakness, lack of coordination and balance, diabetes, heart disease, dysarthria, dysphagia... all progressively until they become highly dependent. Their family raises funds to give them the maximum amount of therapies to delay the disease. Every euro counts, can you help them? Saber mais…
298 Teamers
4 924 € angariados
Martin was born with malformations, one of which was a cleft lip. When he was operated on, what was supposed to be a relatively simple operation became complicated and Martin ended up in the ICU. There, he was accidentally extubated and went into respiratory arrest for 15 minutes. He made it back, but with spastic tetraparesis cerebral palsy. Every week, he has 3 hours of therapy, which represents about €360 per month. Do you want to help him? Saber mais…
1 253 Teamers
98 446 € angariados
ADE takes care of any horse or donkey that has been abandoned or is at risk of being put down. Many are abandoned when they are no longer fit to run or work, or simply because they are old. Also, they have constantly changed owners and lost ties with their herd or human family. ADE takes in more than 150 animals in various shelters, but the costs are unaffordable. Join them with €1 a month to take care of them and let them live in freedom and in a herd until the end of their days! Saber mais…
1 702 Teamers
45 939 € angariados
Soraya took in Bombay, a cat, when she was pregnant and about to give birth. A few days after birth, the kittens began to get sick one by one. They were all positive for leukaemia. All the adopters backed out. Soraya, far from abandoning them, set up a shelter for leukaemic cats. Since then, she has been taking care of the Bombay family and other cats that have passed through the shelter. Because with good food and treatment, these cats can live. Can you help her take care of them? Saber mais…
5 100 Teamers
326 739 € angariados
Foundation Animal Rescue rescues animals that have been mistreated and abandoned. They help them recover and work to find a family to give them the home they deserve. With the illusion and the contribution of everyone they can achieve this. Between 30 and 50 volunteers and 3 workers make it possible for the animals to be cared for 24 hours a day, every day. Every month, these are very important veterinary expenses, can you help them with €1 per month? Saber mais…
1 085 Teamers
40 535 € angariados
GAB fights against the mistreatment and abandonment of the Ratonero Bodeguero Andaluz. This breed is used for hunting and when they are 'no good' they are abandoned, like galgos and podencos. For this reason, we rescue them from the shelters where they would have no chance, cure them if necessary and take care of them until they find their definitive home. With Teamer's help, we pay for their residences.That's 100€/month per dog plus the countless veterinary costs. Will you help us? Saber mais…
6 884 Teamers
698 084 € angariados
Fundación Santuario Gaia is a vegan rescue and recovery centre for more than 500 animals considered to be farm animals, where those that have been exploited, mistreated or abandoned receive the care they need to live a dignified life for the rest of their lives. It is located in Camprodon (Girona) in the heart of the Pyrenees, surrounded by forests, rivers and mountains. Every month, they spend €20,000 on food alone. They need us, can you help them with €1 a month? Saber mais…
1 412 Teamers
63 877 € angariados
Having a food bank for animals can be or is as important as it is for people. Every month we help several associations that, with the extra veterinary costs of rescuing animals, are left without resources for food. Every month, more than a thousand homeless animals are helped, with an average of 1600 kilos donated each month. With your help, there could be many more, will you join us to feed homeless animals? Saber mais…